Friday, May 28, 2010

Court slaps Lindsay Lohan with ankle bracelet that tracks alcohol

Court slaps Lindsay Lohan with ankle bracelet that tracks alcohol

The Lindsay Lohan ankle bracelet will be an everyday accessory for LiLo for a while. Lohan has been ordered by a Beverly Hills Court to wear a position- and blood alcohol-tracking SCRAM bracelet (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring) according to the Associated Press}. It will monitor her blood alcohol level via her prescription and will also inform her parole officer where she is at all times.

Resource for this article: Court slaps Lindsay Lohan with ankle bracelet that tracks alcohol

How does the Lindsay Lohan ankle bracelet work?

Lindsay Lohan's SCRAM ankle bracelet has been in use by courts for a couple of years according to the Associated Press. Instead of detecting alcohol through an exhalation, the SCRAM bracelet can detect the presence of alcohol in a person’s sweat as it checks every half hour, and no amount of quick payday will get LiLo out of it. Findings are recorded and sent when the perpetrator connects to phone lines to file their daily report. If .02 blood-alcohol level or higher is detected, the authorities are alerted. When monitoring at that level, all it takes are two 5-ounce drinks in an hour on an empty stomach for a 180-pound man, says Alcohol Monitoring Systems Inc. Considering Lindsay Lohan’s ways of partying all the time and slight figure (plus the exercise she gets allegedly stalking Samantha Ronson and courting Indrani the photographer), it won’t take much alcohol to send the police running to LiLo.

The problem won't stop just because parents use SCRAM

SCRAM bracelets are only available in court. They are only used around 90 days and are used in every state except Hawaii according to AP. All bracelets like these cost about $ 1,500. That’s certainly worth keeping naughty celebs like Lindsay Lohan, Andy Dick, Eve and Michelle Rodriguez in line, and it provides a more desirable option than spending time in jail. Imagine what would happen to LiLo if she was forced to stay in jail … where would she possibly get the mysterious white powder that she keeps in her shoes?

You can't just jam the SCRAM with chicken skin

According to Alcohol Monitoring Systems Inc, some people have tried to throw off the SCRAM scanner by stuffing chicken skin in between the ankle and the bracelet. That doesn't work and if it is tampered with more than that, then the offender is thrown into jail.

SCRAM gives an owie

Los Angeles defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan told the AP that some of his DUI clients have complained in the past about the SCRAM bracelet being uncomfortable. Of course Lindsay Lohan couldn't handle that, so she is wearing a newer version of the SCRAM. When Ms. Lohan portrays Linda Lovelace in an upcoming film, scratches on the ankle would look bad.

More information on this topic

AP story

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