Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 22 Is Pac-Man Arcade Game 30th Anniversary

May 22, 1980 marked the release of one of the most iconic video games of all time, and May 22, 2010, could be the Pac-Man 30th anniversary. It is one of one of the most popular video games ever released. In fact, the Smithsonian put the PacMan game in an exhibit, one of only three. In fact, Google put a PacMan free online game in the homepage.

Article Resource: May 22 is Pac-Man arcade game 30th anniversary

Google marks PacMan 30th anniversary

To observe the Pac Man 30th anniversary, Google came up with a Google Pac Man logo (aka Google Doodle). Not only that, but you are able to actually play Pac Man on it. You can play it. Look at the search bar, you’ll see a button reading Insert Coin. Click it and you can play PacMan ad infinitum, without needing money now for a lot more quarters or for a subscription to a video gaming site.

PacMan turning 30

The original release, as outlined by the Pac Man wiki, was May 22, 1980 in Japan. It was intended by Toru Iwatani, during his time at Namco Games. (On a sad note, he received no compensation or bonuses for coming up with one of probably the most popular video games of all time.) Asteroids or Galaga type video games were probably the most popular at the time, and he set out to create an alternative. The game was a near instant hit, and it was picked up by Midway Games soon after for distribution in the US. The coffee table version of the game is nevertheless a prized collector’s item.

How to play PacMan

Obviously, there's the free version of the game on the Google homepage. There are PacMan games all online, which is a series of tubes as outlined by sources. There’s an Apple app, that you are able to download PacMan with for the iPod Touch, iPhone, and probably the iPad. PacMan is nevertheless fun to play 30 years later.


Pacman wiki

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