Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Problems come from FluidNow and need EUC to fix it?

Many Americans are relying on emergency unemployment benefits since the recession has made them need emergency loans. Employers haven’t started to hire as easily as the government would have hoped, and hence extension of benefits has become a hot-button political issue. In Florida, the state’s Agency for Workforce Innovation has made an earnest try to come to the aid of more than 100,000 “long-term” jobless through the site FluidNow (www.fluidnow.com). FluidNow appears to be not so fluid for some although many claim they have used the site just to have their expired benefits restarted again. Article resource – Fluidnow is not so fluid; will the EUC Fix it by Personal Money Store.

Fluidnow unable to service customers in a timely manner

According to one of Florida’s long-term unemployed, calling the fluidnow help line at 800-204-2418 results in hours of connection attempts, only to be greeted eventually be a pre-recorded “call back later” message. Eventually the intrepid citizen reached an AWI employee who had no information on whether they’d be eligible to receive an extension of unemployment benefits. AWI Director Cynthia Lorenzo assured that benefits would be given out to residents who applied, although guidance used to come from the U.S. Department of Labor. When that guidance would come – two weeks, as Lorenzo suggested, or some other interminable governmental interval – was uncertain.

Fixing things with EUC

Taking a loan from a loan company or signing up for a part-time job are among the only options open to numerous job seekers. Some of the time this isn’t enough nevertheless. Plus, there’s fear that the benefits already being received would shrink upon signing up for part-time work. There could possibly be some hope with the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Fix. It was part of one of the most recent emergency unemployment benefits extension that made it out of Congress, reports Michigan’s MLive.com. The point is to “remove the disincentive for individuals who take part-time jobs when collecting benefits.” The Michigan News portal reports that there should be no fear that benefits will end after the first year.

EUC Fix is not retroactive

If your benefits ended before July 22, 2010, you can’t qualify for the EUC Fix, reports the National Unemployment Law Project. Those who do not fit that window are out of luck, much like scores of Florida unemployed who are waiting on fluidnow or at least some form of instant cash. Going to the National Employment Law Project website will help you get more information about the EUC Fix.

Find more information on this subject





National Employment Law Project

nelp.org/page/-/UI/2010/Final EUC Fix QA.pdf



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