Saturday, October 23, 2010

Getting rid of contemporary environmentalism for one thing far better

The message of environmentalism is one that is, at best, controversial in the United States. With so many options, though, it can feel easier to just not make a choice and do nothing. If you really want to be “environmentally friendly” the first thing to do is stop beating yourself up. Choose one thing, and make small changes.

What is completely wrong with environmentalism

Since the 1970s and 1980s, as in modern times, environmentalism has existed. That is when the call to “save the planet” begun getting very loud. Activists chained themselves to trees, recycling became the buzzword, and Earth Day had been founded. Somewhere in the last four decades, though, the message has gone from “reduce, reuse, recycle” to a laundry list nobody can keep track of.

Why it won’t work to change anything

The biggest problem with trying to “be environmentally friendly” is exactly how overwhelming the change can be. With so numerous things to do – sort garbage, use reusable bags, drive less, use cloth diapers, cut smog and a million other things — it just feels like too much. Much like creating and sticking to a budget, you will find so numerous moving parts it is easier to just not do anything. The changes can’t be made since you cannot decide on something to do at a time.

Getting began is the important part

Occasionally it seems like there is too much to do. Doing nothing is the easier choice. The thing is, though, even the smallest changes, on a large scale, can have a huge impact. Do not do it all at once. Just do one small thing. It only takes two weeks to get a habit developed. You ought to probably only try something a month still. Think about what is most essential and easiest for you, and begin there. Here is one easy example. A reusable coffee mug within the morning would be a big change. Take public transportation to work one day a week. Shop differently. Don’t get regular fruit; try organic. Use your kitchen window to plant basil. It’s hard for making the large and expensive changes. The small changes, though, are what environmentalism is about — living in harmony with your environment. You will become the change easily if you just make a few changes a year.

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