Sunday, October 10, 2010

Strength pair: Forbes names Michelle Obama most powerful woman

Michelle Obama, wife of the world’s most influential man, has been named the world’s most powerful female by Forbes. If her position is any indication, Dems will get a boost when she goes on the road to energize voters for the upcoming November mid-terms. The First Lady as the most influential woman is a matter of perspective, as reading responses about the Forbes list from her husband’s political enemies will show.

Michelle Obama beats out Oprah, Hillary and Lady Gaga

Michelle Obama made the top of the list when Forbes published its 2010 “New Forbes Power Women” story on Oct. 6. ”Creative influence and entrepreneurship” had been the focus this year when Forbes looked at the top 100 business moguls, movie stars and politicians. In its’ profile of Obama, Forbes called her “a true change-maker” who has “given a new generation of girls and women worldwide a role model.” The source of the magazine said Obama’s power style “stays away from hard policy.” This is considered a good thing. The Forbes list top 10 women contain Ellen Degeneres within the 10th spot, Beyonce in ninth, Lady Gaga in seventh, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in fifth, German Chancellor Angela Merkel in fourth and Oprah Winfrey in 3rd.

Democrats hoping Obama’s power will assist in elections

The First Lady has been in the campaign field more and more. In the last few weeks, she’s gotten even more aggressive. She’s been out in the field telling everybody they need to vote Democrat in order to progress Obama’s agenda instead of stop it. She warns that Republicans taking over Congress will stop any progression, says CBS. States that go either Democrat or Republican will be seeing the first lady pretty soon. She is going on a seven-state fundraising tour in order to support the Democratic vote. According to the Washington Post, she’s a 66 percent approval rating. A Columbia Broadcasting System poll measured President Obama’s approval ranking at 44 percent.

Debate on The First Lady ranking

There are certain circles that don’t agree with The First Lady being placed at the top of the Forbes most influential females list. Obama needs to be working on bigger issues if she is going to be at the top of the list, says Peter Grier at the Christian Monitor. This is why he put Hillary Clinton above her. Blogger Michelle Malkin compared Obama’s place on the Forbes list to her husband’s “undeserved honor” of getting the Nobel Peace Prize. Malkin also said that Michelle Obama didn’t deserve this because she is campaigning for Democratic prospects within the elections, is not getting a nutrition bill passed in Congress and has not gotten an Olympic large for Chicago yet.



CBS News

Christian Science Monitor

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