Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hamid Karzai candid about taking bags of cash from Iran, United States of America

Hamid Karzi’s presidency in Afghanistan has been full of questions regarding competency and trustworthiness. According to Associated Press accounts, Karzai has admitted he normally takes money from Iran and the United States – bags of cash, in fact. One wonders whether those political enemies are pleased with the Karzai their money can buy.

'Official presidential expenses’ is the excuse Hamid Karzai gives for taking funds

Hamid Karzai gets about $700,000 to $975,000 in gifts as “donations” from Iran once or twice a year. Washington also sends the Afghan palace “bags of money” based on Karzai who claims the United States of America has known regarding the Iranian assistance for some time. Some speculate Karzai came forward with this info to take the heat off his chief of staff, Umar Daudzai, whom the New York Times recently reported as also accepting cash from Iran. The cash has been paying for high-ranking Taliban officials. Supposedly it also went to Afghan lawmakers and tribal elders.

Money goes to Karzai from ’several nations’ because his revenue is lacking

According to the CIA World Factbook, Afghanistan’s economy was in shambles before the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. International assistance has aided recovery, however the nation is nevertheless considered poor and “highly dependent on foreign aid, agriculture and trade with neighboring nations.”. This is supposedly true despite the fact that opium and hashish product comes from Afghanistan more than anywhere else in the world. It makes sense that Hamid Karzai would not be interested in enforcing the rules regarding illegal drug trade the Obama administration has accused him of having since the business makes the country a ton of money.

The public in Afghanistan shows Karzai as an ineffective ruler Today’s Views explains. This isn’t because of the common beliefs that numerous would think, Wikipedia states. The economy in Afghanistan is agriculture based upon. Since poppies sell probably the most in Afghanistan, poor farmers end up in the drug business whether or not that is what they’d hope to be doing. The cash doesn’t all go to them either. It’s divided up. Since other nations are feeding Hamid Karzai so much cash, this makes sense. Karzai probably is just taking it.


Associated Press

The Odora

Today’s Views


The U.S. “double game”

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